Hon. Mr. Ruturaj Shivajirao Sawant
Director, Bhagwant Institute of Technology
“I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach the destination.”
In the age of globalization, to build a truly different institution of engineering and technology, an institution with a marked difference in quality to serve the local people in the global arena. Our aim is to build an effervescent community of engineers, where faculty and students are cronies in a mutually inspirational education process, engrossed in learning. This learning process would lead to inventions and discoveries.
We actively seek to engage our adjacent associates from research and educational institutions to contribute to the process of learning by sharing their proficiency and practices gained outside of the classroom.
The 4-year academic program that is designed and implemented by Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technical University of Technology is targeted at providing the undergraduates with a solid foundation for understanding advancing technology. This will be supplemented with a strong emphasis on good experimentation and accurate measurement as the basis for fact and understanding.