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Overview of Mechanical & Engineering

Our Mechanical Engineering degrees are rooted in real world of industry and the rapidly evolving needs of the engineering sector. Our professionally accredited Mechanical Engineering degree equips students with knowledge and skills across a wide range of mechanical engineering topics. A degree in Mechanical Engineering is the basis for a career in a profession that offers an extremely wide choice of employment. Four core subjects Thermodynamics,Fluid Mechanics, Solid Mechanics and Dynamics will form the backbone of studies and give a sound foundation in Mechanical Engineering principles. Be a modern engineer for the future. We are committed to developing the modern professional engineers for the future. Our emphasis is on active learning, supported by state of the art practices in lectures and tutorials. This program provides a broad-ranging understanding of Mechanical Engineering principles and the confidence to apply this knowledge to real engineering problems. The Department offers Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering, programs in several areas of specialisation.